Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My Horoscope - Pisces



PISCES - The Partner for Life
Caring and kind. Smart. Center of attention. Messy at times and irresponsible! Smart but lazy. High appeal. Has the last word. Good to find, hard to keep. Passionate, wonderful lovers. Fun to be around. Too trusting at times and gets hurt easily. Lover of animals. VERY caring, make wonderful nurses or doctors. They always try to do the right thing sometimes get the short end of the stick. They sometimes get used by others and hurt because of their trusting. Extremely weird but in a good way. Good Sense of Humor!!! Thoughtful. Always gets what he or she wants. Loves to joke. Very popular. Silly, fun and sweet. Good friend to other but need to be choosy on who they allow their friends to be.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Website design Los Angeles

365mass offers all web based solutions for your company needs. They are an award winning Website design Los Angeles based company but handle cleints from Los Angeles to Dubai. Check them out for a free quote today.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Relax yourself in order to make money

This days I took a little break to myself. I was in a trip with my wife and some friends at the Bran Castle, in Transylvania - then we had a three days vacation on a beautifull villa somewhere in 10 killometres in the mountains. There was incredibly silent, only the wind was making noise. I really enjoyed that. I needed this break, but the problem is that I can not enter into my work program - I am a little lazy right now.

No more lazzynes, this can not be. Let`s get to work! Right now!

Monday, January 31, 2011

List of good article directories to submit to

just post in comments which ones you use

Another article directories with PR4 and autoaprove:

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Create WEB2.0 Structures Yourself - A Simple Method - Part 2

It's a reaction to all the posts and discussion about the "glamour" tools.
I like the idea of having WEB2.0 sites made automatically but.

a) Not one tool has made them properly (with full profiles to help disguise the self promotional nature of the tool)

b) They are expensive. - If I charge my time at $20 an hour, (minimum) then it's touch and go if I get value from these tools. I make 9 or 10 link rings a month at 30 minutes a time. That's $90-$100 dollar value for a $130 dollar tool.

c) The extras these tools come with are (frankly) shit. The keyword tool, article marketing, RSS, Bookmarking,Video submission and even profile making sections of Nuke - even when it was actually bloody working properly (something It has failed to do to an acceptable level for some months now) are all pretty crap - stand alone, one off cost solutions are available that are no only cheaper in the mid term - but do the job a hell of a lot better (A HELL of a lot better - if you bother to see how Nuke's keyword tool works out whther to go for a site or not you'll realize it's just ever so slightly shuffling the data straight out of Googles tool and expressing the result in words rather than number or diagrams. AN idiot could write a better tool in Excel or VBA in 30 minutes)

People are then left with these shoddily constructed WEB2.0 structures, and many then sit back and wonder when the traffic is going to pour in.

In most cases it's never going to come - bacause the REAL hard work is getting gazillions of links to these structures and dozens more good quality ones to their money sites.

This is where the attention needs to be for most people.

But that's not as much fun as coming back to your desk and seeing some software has "created" a few websites for you. There is no immediate "wow" factor in paying someone for 200 backlinks or a Xrumer blast or whatever. But at the end of the day, creating WEB2.0 structures and doing just about everything these "total solution" packages do is a piece of piss and can be done low budget and quick.

I realize most don't want to hear this, and want the flashy toys with fancy names and loadsa advertising,but this post was just for the newcomers who are contemplating where best to put their resources.

If you are time rich and cash poor (as probably most IM newcomers are) Then learn to make these structures yourself - it's quick and easy.

Spend you cash on quality links to power your network instead.

Create WEB2.0 Structures Yourself - A Simple Method

Creating Web 2.0 properties.

Okay, you asked for it, you're going to get it.

Creating Web 2.0 properties dirty and down way of doing it.

Firstly, get yourself a list of do follow Web 2.0 sites. I'm not going to give any specific URLs here, because that's bad form, but if I do say check out “Target Hut”first, it will tell you exactly which ones are worth putting your content onto. Unfortunately it doesn't detail whether they do follow or no follow, and a couple of searches through Google should sort that out.

link building softwares

My favorite link building softwares are SENuke Light, Article Marketing Robot, Bookmarking Demon, and Scrapebox.
One idea - Look at crazyflx's phpbb bot, it is freely available here and can be used in tandem with sbox.

Another idea - invest in a decent spinner app if you don't already have one to spin the hell out of your comments, or, alternatively, look crazyflx's bot that makes unique articles from articles you find elsewhere.
Also you can try out:
- sick submitter

Simple method to start an autoblog

Grab auto-blog wordpress software from the downloads section(in bhw forum), and the auto-spin for unique posts. Do some research for a good niche. Decent searches, low competition, potential for commercial intention.

Buy a domain and hosting. Set up the auto-blog. Monetize with affiliate from CB or adsense. Build some links with SB.

Watch it rank, and if you picked the right niche, some money should start coming in.

4 tier link pyramids

So far I have been doing 4 tier link pyramids I have been ranking keywords on the first page of google in about 3 - 5 days. The most recent keyword I just got to the first page I did in 4 days and it gets 22k Exact Searches a month in google $$$ =D

** Also when you get to the top of google keep updating your content. And on page SEO is a must!
On the 3rd and 4th Teir you do your Scrape Box and Xrummer blasts